
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Herd - My Typewriter Collection

This is the first time i've ever photo cataloged my collection. I'll add them to My Collections page on this blog in a few days - i may improve on the pics as i've realized some are blurry or just plain crap. These photos are cell phone pics taken a couple months ago for solely the purpose of quick reference to what is in the Herd. I aim to look at the pics every so often to decide what stays and what goes, what leaves and what belongs. I anticipate that i'll start the actual culling in the next couple months. 

Adler Tippa S, script

Blickensderfer 5

Consul 231, script

Consul 232

Corona Silent

Corona Sterling

Everest Mod S

Facit 1620, script

Groma Kolibri

Groma Kolibri

Groma Kolibri

Hermes 3000, elite

Hermes 3000, techno

Hermes Rocket

IBM Selectric II

Oliver Portable

Oliver Portable

Olivetti Ico

Olivetti Lettera 22 / Sears Courier

Olivetti Lettera 22

Olivetti Lettera 32

Olivetti Lettera 33, script

Olivetti Lexikon 80

Olivetti Studio 42

Olympia sm3, congress

Olympia sm3, italic

Olympia sm3, script

Olympia sm4

Olympia sm9, senatorial

Olympia Traveller C

Remington 5

Remington Model Seventeen

Remington Streamliner

Rheinmetall KST

Royal Ensign

Royal Model P

Royal Quiet De Luxe

Smith-Corona Skyriter

Swissa Piccola

Triumph Norm, cyrillic

Triumph Norm, english

Triumph Perfekt, script

Underwood Champion

Underwood Portable

Underwood Portable

Underwood Universal

Voss DeLuxe

Voss DeLuxe

Voss DeLuxe, script

Voss DeLuxe
Not pictured: Smith-Corona Silent Super and probably a couple other ones.


  1. Nice herd. You've got a few rarities there that don't turn up often, at least not in the US.

    1. Yup, a couple traveled far alright. As for rarities, you were right there for one of them. Thanks for helping me get that Gold Olympia.

  2. If you sell online (to ship in the US) please touch base. I'd be interested in your Corona Silent and your Groma Kolibri. Beautiful collection, regardless. Just lovely. (

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I'll surely let you know Monica.

  3. Cool collection with good Olivetti representation. And you're lucky to have three QWERTY Kolibris.

    1. Thanks Ton - yup, everyone gets obsessed with Kolibris eventually. As for the Olivetti - I think some of them will have to go :(

  4. You have some pretty fantastic typewriters. I'm trying to cut my collection down a bit, though not with too much success…

    I'm curious about the Consul with script—I had no idea these were sold with a script typeface, and I've spent quite a lot of time researching Consuls. XD

    And the Cyrillic Triumph is also neat!

    1. Interesting story about that Cyrillic triumph. And I told myself that all typewriters I get are for use, not display. And yet, I broke that rule on that one. It has a cracked body, but with the Norms ive come across, it seems somewhat a common calamity. maybe cheap plastic.

      and that consul... ill shoot you a type sample in the next coming days

    2. Yeah, it looks like it matches the other blue one! Did you find the two together?


  5. Wow! That's a difficult culling job! The Facit with burgundy key tops struck me as unusual (but what do I know)!

    1. that facit is a decent machine. I wish I wrote on it more.

  6. <...> (speechless)
    You have two Speedlines in burgundy too! An Italian Ico!
    Will be hard choices to make...

    (Surprisinglyhardtoreadwithoutspacing, almostlikearunestone :)

    1. hahaha. Robert - I didn't exactly mean to type it out like that. I mean, after I finished the first line I thought: crap, I didn't double space between words. I should have. hope I didn't hurt your eyes too much.

  7. dang. that is an impressive herd. put me on the short list. I might come down and get certain one or two in person. We could have a type-in!

  8. Oh geez they're all beautiful! :D
    Good luck with the culling, it's never fun making decisions like that :(

  9. Nice collection--I'm curious about the Kolibri--how is it to type on?
