Friday, October 2, 2015

My boys and a typewriter

Hello all - it's been an awful long time. I keep up with typewriter news on the fb group and i get daily emails on the posts in the yahoo groups. However, i rarely post.
Hope all is well out there.
Last night my boys played around with a Royal. Figuring out how it works and practicing all the functions. Seemed genuinely interested.
Sorry for the blurry cell phone pics:


  1. It's great to see the next generation of typists.

  2. Hello again! Excellent indoctrination of the Youth! :D

  3. Good to hear from you, Michael. Hope you and yours are well.

  4. Very cute! Nice to see a post from you.

  5. Nice to see you're still around. Handsome boys. Smart too obviously... :)

  6. Yes, that's a good age to introduce them to typewriters - about the time that they become really aware of the alphabet.
